July 22nd, 2024

Refractory Anchor Solutions for Heat Recovery Steam Generators

SILICON HRSG refractory anchors

Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) are indispensable in modern power generation, playing a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of combined cycle power plants. By capturing and utilizing waste heat from gas turbine exhausts, HRSGs generate additional steam to drive turbines, significantly boosting the overall power output.

Understanding the components and operation of HRSGs, along with the advanced refractory anchor solutions provided by industry leaders like SILICON, is key to optimizing power plant performance.

Heat Recovery Steam Generators

A Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) is a vital component in modern power generation, particularly in combined cycle power plants. Serving as a specialized heat exchanger, an HRSG captures heat from hot gas streams, such as the exhaust from gas turbines, and utilizes this energy to generate steam. This steam is then used to drive a steam turbine, producing additional electricity and significantly enhancing the overall efficiency of the power plant.

HRSGs comprise several key sections: the economizer, evaporator, and superheater. The economizer preheats the feedwater, the evaporator converts this preheated water into saturated steam, and the superheater further increases the steam's temperature, preparing it for use in the steam turbine. As hot exhaust gases from the gas turbine flow through the HRSG, they transfer heat to the water and steam circulating within these sections, enabling efficient energy recovery.


The integration of the HRSG into power plants allows for the effective utilization of waste heat, making it a critical element in boosting thermal efficiency and maximizing power output. Alongside auxiliary systems that manage water quality, pressure, and temperature, HRSGs ensure safe and optimized operation, underscoring their importance in the pursuit of more efficient and sustainable power generation.

Many large industrial facilities, such as refineries and chemical and petrochemical plants, are increasingly adopting co-generation for process steam and power production. Combined-cycle units with HRSGs are particularly popular for these applications, including within the power industry.

HRSGs often operate under high temperatures and pressures, where even minor chemistry upsets can escalate into significant issues. Therefore, selecting the right high-quality refractory anchors and linings, made from the appropriate alloy and installed using advanced technology, is crucial for ensuring long-term performance.

Refractory Anchor Solutions for Heat Recovery Steam Generators

High-quality refractory anchors are essential to sealing gaps and keeping heat, fire, and ash inside the HRSGs.

SILICON offers the following top-quality refractory anchor solutions for HRSGs:

  • Corrugated Anchors

  • Shear Connectors

  • DRS Threaded Studs

  • MTC Mounting Clips

  • PTS or Pitch Base Studs


Rapid Arc Welding for the Power Industry

Traditional stud welding comes with many drawbacks: toxic fumes, high failure rates, overheating issues, power loss on the cables, and more. This means that refractory anchors installed with stud welding can deliver poor-quality welds. Additionally, installation is much more time-consuming.

Conversely, Rapid Arc Welding (RAW), invented by SILICON in the early 1990s and continuously improved since, is safe, fast, and offers the perfect weld every time.

For more information, visit SILICON's Rapid Arc Welding Solutions.


Total Solution Provider for the Power Industry

Streamline your next refractory project by teaming up with SILICON, offering everything under one umbrella:

  • Sales experts

  • Engineering and consultancy

  • Refractory Anchor manufacturing

  • Rapid Arc Welding

  • Project management

  • Installation